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Bringing Fathers on Board

In India, the legal age at marriage for girls is 18, and for boys, 21. Yet child marriage is steeped in Indian culture. India has witnessed one of the largest declines in child marriage rates over the last decade, from nearly 50% to 27% for girls. While fewer Indian girls are marrying before the age of 15, rates of marriage have increased for girls between ages 15 to 18.

Girls Not Brides notes that child brides are often isolated, feel disempowered frequently, and are deprived of their fundamental rights to health, education and safety. Being a child bride puts a girl at a greater risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence, contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STI), and experiencing complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Many also have little or no access to education and economic opportunities.

In a study on child marriage in the Indian states of Bihar and Jharkhand, respondents were asked what they considered was an appropriate age at marriage, and more than 40% said that a girl should be married when she reaches adulthood. While age, specifically 18 years, is an important factor of consideration for adulthood, other considerations mentioned included physical appearance and puberty. The study found that many adults and adolescents understand and agree that girls should not be married before age 18, especially on account of health issues associated with early pregnancy.

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